Monday, November 16, 2015

Our fundraiser!

Hi! This is Anna! So I know Chloe filled you in mostly about our leukemia fundraiser, but I'm just writing more about it!!! So, we paint nails for $2 to raise money for leukemia! That's basically our efforts in a nutshell. We will also be selling bracelets for 50 or 75 cents. There is a nail prep/massage station, a nail painting station, a nail tech and decoration station, and a drying and money station. We hope to raise $100!!!!! So please support us! We accept donations as well. Bye! 

Anna, Chloe, Jill, and Anne


  1. Thank-you for giving more details!!! Sorry everyone that I forgot to mention them earlier. See this is why we have Anna! Lol jk!

  2. I should Anna isn't just part of the blog to fill your readers in on the details you left out!


  3. SUGGESTION: You guys should add ANONYMOUS as an option, and then ManiCURE for Leukemia might get more support.

    Not to sound in charge since i don't even blog on this blog, but just a suggestion.
