Tuesday, January 26, 2016

one last time...

Hi everyone.
I just wanted to let you know that we will not be doing our fundraiser anymore... we might start up again later this year but we dont know yet... be sure to check up on our blog every now and then, but we will most likely be inactive. A post every now and then will be common though.
until then its been an honor blogging and raising money with you guys by our side.


So its time... Goodbye for a little while.

Anna, Jillian, and Chloe          =D      D=  happy/sad moment lol

once again... goodbye


  1. sniff sniff... wow that was a really sad post! :( But I'll still check this blog for updates! :) I hope you girls do it again! <3 -Blogger Girl

  2. I can't believe you made $100. You worked hard in such a short amount of time. You endured long, tiring and busy nights at youth group especially having your fundraiser, and now you've made your goal. Your money won't go to waste, absolutely not! It will be used. The ManiCURE for Leukemia team did a great job and even if they don't plan to hold the fundraiser again or at least not for a long time, they at least deserve a bit of a break. Well done, ManiCURE for Leukemia!

  3. This was a Sad but yet Happy moment for you i know, when you reached your goal and realized you wouldn't be doing ManiCURE for Leukemia anymore. Sad not to do it anymore, but Happy that you raised Money to help people with Leukemia. Your 100 Dollars will go to a good use, definitely! I supported you ever since you started raising money, and always checked your blog for updates. Much Congratulations to you for reaching your goal! I hope you do this again sometime but i know you need a break every once and while!

