Thursday, December 31, 2015

The ManiCURE for Leukemia team wishes you a happy new year of 2016!!! 

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Big news!

As I write this, two members of the leukemia team are raising money at our fundraiser. Me and one other girl couldn't be there:( but there's news, we have raised about $74 so far!!!  Only $26 more to go and we reach our goal! Thanks for support!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know how sales went on Thursday night. We made a lot of money! Our friend counted our money for us, and we have at least $40!!!!! So we are definitely on a roll! We hung up signs everywhere and that definitely helped. Plus a member of our team invited a lot of her friends who got their nails done and one girl even donated $20 even though the fee was $2. So, in short, we had a lot of generous people who donated and/or got their nails done. Also lots of people who didn't get their nails done donated and said they would get their nails done the following week! This is great news for the ManiCURE for Leukemia team! 

Please tell your friends about our cause and follow our blog! We need as much support as possible! 

Member of the ManiCURE for Leukemia Team 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Exciting news!!!

Tomorrow, the ManiCURE for Leukemia team will be at it again, raising money for the second week in a row! During our week, a bunch of people said they would bring in money! Last week, we raised about $12.00, and we hope to raise even more this week! Remember, this blog will keep you posted on what we are doing and what the haps are concerning our fight for leukemia! We are doing manicures and selling brackets every Thursday night! 

The ManiCURE for Leukemia Team

Some things to know

Here are some official leukemia things to know. 
The color for leukemia is ORANGE (that's why our blog template is orange! Isn't it perf?) 
Leukemia Awareness Month is SEPTEMBER (oh well, you missed it. Maybe next year:) 

Thanks for reading! ~Naturelove21